Hardware & Software.
Before we get your system set up we need to make sure you have all the components required for it to function. It only takes one old system, one error, or one fatal failure to lose your data. Legacy systems often times are not secure, or maintained. Let us provide a free assessment before it is too late. AMB can support your legacy system and extend its life, while backing up critical data. If your legacy system needs replacing, we provide the most cost effective solutions for you to review.
It is easier to stay on top of updates then to fall behind; what better way to ease your mind than having specialists at your beck and call. We make sure your business is equipped with software that best suit your needs and your computer(s). First we send a technician to identify the required software necessary for your operating system, confirm that your system meets the requirements for that software and then install it upon approval.

Hardware & Software Management in Tualatin Valley (SW Portland) and Tri-Valley Bay Area
From your current hardware and software to your new systems, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Time Saving: We keep your network, that may consist of servers, workstations, firewalls, switches, modem, and routers, working so that you spend more time making money on your core business.
Faster & Secure Networks: From basic networks that would benefit from simple changes in firewalls for better security, to the upgrade of a network switch for faster network communication. We update or if needed replace outdated equipment to keep your system safe and running well.
Consistent Performance: We manage all equipment, make recommendations, and keep your business humming along. We also manage software security, track the application services vital to your business either through remote login or on-site visits. We keep track of license keys, vendor accounts, and anything that makes ongoing support fast and easy.
Licensing Upgrades: We coordinate with software vendor and/or perform the upgrades at a time that’s convenient for you. Maybe you need to upgrade the licensing for QuickBooks so that you can have multiple employees working in the same company at the same time, we can assist and show you the nuances of hosting your company file to be shared by others.
Smooth Operations: We keep your computers, applications, and other hardware current by installing updates and patches with a strategy that minimizes problems from bad updates. Because of these things, when our clients have problems, they’re usually smaller problems and they’re quick and easy to fix.
Our goal is to keep you focused on the things that make you money and reduce your stress.