Do you already have a company providing your IT support?

AMB Computer Services | Network Assessment

AMB Computer Services | Network Assessment

AMB Computer Services | Network Assessment

Everyone is happy with their current provider until their network crashes and data is lost. Let us be your second set of eyes. If you’re trusting someone else to manage your network, ask yourself, or better yet, ask your support company the following five questions.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Proof:

  • Do we have both local and offsite backups on all the computers that store data?

  • Are backups automated to run nightly and is the data selection audited regularly?

  • Is the recovery of your data tested to ensure it can be retrieved in an emergency?

  • Is your security software checked monthly and is it fast, effective, and current?

  • Is your current support vendor proactive, or do you wait for them to be reactive?

Unfortunately, it’s all too common that AMB Computers does a free assessment only to find that a client has been paying for what they thought was a secure network with backups, only to find that security programs are outdated and their backups are old, manual, or even non-existent.

With a free assessment, we’ll gladly be the first ones to admit that your current company is doing a great job or more importantly, if you have holes in your network, we’ll be the ones to outline a solution to make you complete.

CALL TODAY! 925-216-1350